7 Causes of Back-to-School Anxiety and How to Help: A Parent’s Guide

Starting a new academic year is always followed by anticipation, excitement, and opportunities for learning and growth. However, as I reflect on the myriad of emotions associated with this transition, I can’t help but acknowledge the presence of a less welcomed companion— anxiety.

The return to school, with its inherent changes and challenges, often brings a wave of fear that can envelop students, parents, and educators alike. The causes of this back-to-school anxiety are multifaceted, ranging from fears of the unknown and academic pressures to concerns about social interactions and health.

Today, we’ll explain seven causes of this problem and provide actionable insights on how to help.

1. Fear of the Unknown

The fear of the unknown is a fundamental human experience, and it’s particularly pronounced when students face a new academic year.  It can be paralyzing for students, especially when they are unsure about what to expect in the new school year.

This fear can manifest as anxiety, stress, and even physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches.  The uncertainty about new teachers, classmates, and academic expectations can be overwhelming, making the transition back to school challenging.

How to Overcome the Fear?

To overcome this fear, it’s crucial to foster a sense of familiarity and routine. Parents and educators can help by discussing what the new school year might entail, arranging visits to the school beforehand, and establishing consistent routines at home.

Encouraging open communication about fears and concerns can also help in addressing and alleviating anxiety related to the unknown.

2. Academic Pressure

Academic Pressure - Back-to-School Anxiety

Academic pressure is another significant cause of back-to-school anxiety. The demands of coursework, exams, and grades can be very stressful for students.

The Impact of Pressure

The pressure to perform academically can lead to heightened stress levels and anxiety among students. The fear of failure and the desire to meet the expectations of parents and teachers can be overwhelming.

This pressure can affect students’ mental health, leading to issues like sleep deprivation, depression, and anxiety disorders.

Managing Academic Stress

Managing academic stress involves creating a supportive and balanced learning environment. Parents and educators can help by setting realistic expectations, providing positive reinforcement, and encouraging healthy study habits.

It’s also essential to encourage students to communicate their concerns and struggles openly and to seek help when needed, whether from teachers, counselors, or mental health professionals.

3. Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a prevalent concern as students return to school, stemming from worries about social interactions, fitting in, and making friends. Social anxiety in a school setting can arise from fears of being judged, rejected, or isolated by peers.

It can be particularly intense for students who have experienced bullying or who struggle with self-esteem issues. This can lead to avoidance of social situations, withdrawal, and even physical symptoms such as trembling, sweating, and nausea.

Addressing the Problem

Addressing social anxiety involves fostering a supportive and inclusive school environment. Schools can implement anti-bullying programs and promote positive peer relationships through team-building activities and inclusive classroom practices.

Parents can support their children by encouraging them to express their feelings, practicing social skills, and gradually exposing them to social situations, allowing them to build confidence and resilience.

4. Changes in Routine

Changes in Routine - Back-to-School Anxiety

Adjusting to a new routine can be a significant source of stress for both students and parents.

Impact of Routine Changes

The transition from the relaxed schedule of summer to the structured routine of the school year can be jarring. The sudden change in waking times, meal times, and activity schedules can disrupt the body’s internal clock, leading to stress, irritability, and fatigue.

For students, adapting to new routines can also mean adjusting to different learning formats, classroom settings, and extracurricular activities, adding to the overall stress.

Adapting to New Routines

To ease the transition, it’s essential to gradually adjust to new routines before the school year starts. Parents can help by gradually shifting bedtimes and wake-up times and by establishing consistent meal times.

Creating a predictable and structured environment can help students adapt more easily and reduce anxiety. Additionally, maintaining open communication about the changes and providing support can help students feel more secure and less anxious about the adjustments.

5. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common, especially among younger students who may feel anxious about leaving their parents or caregivers.  It is characterized by excessive fear or anxiety about separation from those to whom the individual is attached.

It can manifest as crying, clinging, refusal to part, and sometimes physical complaints. This form of anxiety can be distressing for both children and parents, impacting the child’s ability to participate in school activities and learn effectively.

Strategies to Overcome This

To alleviate separation anxiety, it’s important to create a consistent and reassuring goodbye routine. Parents can help by providing reassurance, encouraging independence, and gradually exposing children to short separations before school starts.

Schools can support this by creating a welcoming and supportive environment and by allowing parents and children to have a gradual transition, such as shorter days in the first week of school.

6. Concerns about Bullying

Concerns about Bullying - Back-to-School Anxiety

Concerns about bullying are a significant source of anxiety for many students. Bullying can have severe and long-lasting effects on a student’s mental and emotional well-being and can lead to emotional trauma. It can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

The fear of being bullied can make students dread going to school, affecting their academic performance and overall happiness.

Preventing and Addressing Bullying

Preventing and addressing bullying requires a comprehensive approach involving students, parents, and educators. Schools need to implement strict anti-bullying policies, promote a culture of respect and inclusion, and provide support for affected students.

Parents can help by maintaining open communication with their children about their experiences at school, teaching them about empathy and respect, and encouraging them to report any bullying incidents.

7. Health Concerns

Health concerns, especially amidst ongoing global health crises, can significantly contribute to back-to-school anxiety. Health-related anxiety can stem from concerns about contracting illnesses, adhering to new health protocols, and adjusting to changes in the school environment.

This type of anxiety can be particularly intense for students with pre-existing health conditions and can lead to avoidance behaviors, excessive worry, and stress.

How to Solve this?

Maintaining clear and open communication about health protocols and expectations is crucial. Schools can help by providing a safe and clean environment, enforcing health guidelines, and offering support and accommodations for students with health concerns.

Parents can support their children by discussing health practices, addressing concerns, and encouraging healthy behaviors, such as regular handwashing and proper nutrition.

Health Concerns - Back-to-School Anxiety


How can schools and parents work together to alleviate back-to-school anxiety?

Schools and parents can collaborate by maintaining open lines of communication about the child’s experiences, concerns, and progress. Regular meetings, updates, and discussions can help in addressing any issues promptly.

Additionally, joint efforts in creating a consistent and supportive environment, both at home and school, can be beneficial in reducing anxiety.

Can back-to-school anxiety have long-term effects on students?

Yes, if not addressed properly, this problem can have long-term effects, potentially leading to chronic stress, academic underachievement, and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Early intervention and support are crucial in preventing these long-term consequences.

Are there any specific signs parents should look for to identify this problem?

Parents should be vigilant for signs such as reluctance or refusal to attend school, frequent complaints of physical ailments like headaches or stomachaches, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, excessive worry, irritability, and withdrawal from friends and family as these can be indicative of back-to-school anxiety.

How can peers help each other in reducing anxiety?

Peers can play a significant role by being supportive, inclusive, and understanding. Encouraging open conversations about fears and concerns, being empathetic, and offering support can make a substantial difference.

Additionally, fostering a friendly and welcoming environment can help in reducing feelings of isolation and fear.

Can back-to-school anxiety affect parents and teachers as well?

Absolutely. Parents may experience anxiety related to their child’s well-being, academic performance, and social interactions. Teachers may feel anxious about managing classroom dynamics, addressing individual student needs, and meeting academic objectives.

It’s essential for parents and teachers to manage their anxiety effectively to create a supportive environment for students.

The Bottom Line

Back-to-school anxiety is a multifaceted issue, with various causes and manifestations. By understanding these causes and implementing effective strategies, parents, educators, and students can work together to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

Addressing the fears, pressures, and concerns associated with going back to school is crucial in fostering mental well-being and academic success for all students.